Smaller venue that some of the bigger conferences, and much fewer attendees--about 300+, according to the opening session.
The networking has been great, as virtually everyone at the conference is interested in e-learning development. Sessions are fewer, but the topics are more focused on development and related concepts.
Particularly enjoyed Brian Chapman's keynote, which while it was future-focused, was mainly informative around what some larger companies have been doing to solve key problems, especially social learning challenges. Also Nick Floro has done a bunch of really good sessions. Tatiana Chapira also had a nice session on prototyping this morning and will be doing another on "bite-sized learning" later.
Overall, this is a nice conference and well worth consideration. The hands-on sessions are a great way to pick up some competency quickly.
Twitter hashtag: #EDC10, which apparently is someone's twitter name too. Oops.